Tuesday, November 26, 2013

27th Nov 2013 - Robin Sharma


Hi Maniam,

Something got me up at 4:04 am this morning. 

Not quite sure what it was. But I just felt really, really inspired. 

To write. To share. To serve. 

And so with an outpouring of outright passion, I began to record 100 of the best ideas I could think of to help you live a breathtakingly great life. 

Here they are: 

1. Great to be successful. Even better to be kind. 

2. Being productive is an excellent vehicle for happiness. 

3. It doesn't really matter what others think of you--only what you think of you. 

4. Do your work like it's the most important work in the world. Because it is. 

5. A superb reputation takes years to build--and minutes to lose. 

6. There's no point in being rich but sick. 

7. Adore your parents. You'll miss them when they're gone. 

8. If you're not making things better you're making things worse. 

9. Being optimistic and enthusiastic never goes out of style. 

10. Be on time if you can't be there early. 

11. Remember that the only real failure is quitting too early. 

12. Smile more often. Your face will thank you. 

13. If you don't understand people, you don't understand business. 

14. Leadership's not about a title but about a way of doing things. 

15. Eat less food, get more done. 

16. All elite achievers are obsessed with being the best. 

17. Your daily behavior reveals your deepest beliefs. 

18. Sweat the small stuff. Mastery is the result of 1000 tiny victories. 

19. Your fears are liars. Your doubts are traitors. 

20. Without a daily plan you're lost in the woods. 

21. The world belongs to unreasonable people. 

22. Love your family like there's no tomorrow because one day there won't be. 

Read the rest here 

I truly hope these 100 reminders inspire, challenge and serve you. Thank you for being on my mailing list, being a part of this movement and making our world a better place. 

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